Ten years in the making, it’s a system that lets him:
Choose the clients he wants to work for
Dictate the terms of every deal
And maximize the income from every project he takes on
It’s very impressive .
And not only is he revealing it to you for the first time . he’s offering to help you build a similar model for your burgeoning freelance business.
“But I’m not Dan Kennedy,” you might be saying .
Not to worry. As he points out in his letter, Dan Kennedy wasn’t the legend of the marketing world he is today before he started using this strategy .
And now he never makes less than a million dollars a year . doing exactly what you’re setting out to do now.
There are FIVE online Modules, with my voice guiding you through samples, examples and power points slides, and directing you to web sites where you can see even more examples
Module 1 is an Overview Module, a video dialogue with me and Katie Yeakle from AWAI. It lays out the territory we will cover and take.
Module 2 is Development of a Client Feeder System. I define it, so you clearly understand it. I describe how you feed it so it feeds you. I also dissect it, presenting each of a Feeder System’s five key elements. You are also provided with Think-Pages, to guide you in laying out your own Feeder System. And, of course, examples so you can see and even experience a fully functioning Feeder System.
Module 3 is Development of Your Personal Media Platform. Here, we go into depth and detail on the Five C’s. Today, most freelancers have their own web site but 90% are seriously flawed and 99% are imitative of other freelancers’ sites that are seriously flawed. They may be stocked with content, but it is not strategically purposed. And web sites represent only one piece of a fully functioning Personal Media Platform. Today, many freelancers use social media, but nearly all are making a very serious mistake with it. I’ll reveal these mistakes, and describe how to use and integrate all Media so that it is strategic and purposed to attract possible clients and convert them into prepared, potential clients who are pre-determined to hire you. I also reveal ‘The Batman Secret’ for your content. There are 10 elements to incorporate in Content you write and distribute on our own behalf. You get notes on all ten. We will look at the issue of Control of the client established by your Media Platform. And finally we’ll discuss how to leverage your media platform as Currency, to get yourself actively promoted by key influencers who have potential clients for you.
Module 4 is all about the Media Items that populate your Personal Media Platform. I will tell you how I used these early in my freelancing life, when I was unknown and poor as a church-mouse, and how I use the same kinds of items now. You will see great examples of such Content and of various Media Items from actual, effective Personal Media Platforms, and you’ll be directed to individuals and web sites to see more. This is the most example-rich Module in this Program. In total, you’ll learn how to create and use SEVEN Media Items. As a little bonus, I’ll tell you how to use one of them to provide non-fee income from an automated marketing system. The week I was finishing this, I heard from a consultant and writer I’d given this strategy to a few months ago – she is averaging $700 a week in entirely automated income robot-deposited in her bank account by this use of one of the seven Media Items. It takes her about an hour each week to make this happen, with e-mail. No, it’s not caviar ‘n diamonds money. But it is $36,400.00 a year. Pays the rent. Relieves a little income anxiety. If it intrigues you, I’m including it in this Module as a little bonus. Finally in this Module, I’ll reveal the #1 mistake most freelancers make with these Media Items, and the three ironclad rules for your Media Items that prevent this problem.
Module 5, the last Module, switches from your Feeder System to Consultant+Copywriter Positioning. I call this the ‘Change Your Life Module.’ It lifts you out of the worker-bee-for-hire, will-write-copy-for-food crowd and crowded space. It changes the way possible clients take notice of and become interested in you, and the way potential clients relate to you. It is also a closed loop: it makes your Feeder System work better.
Here are three promises about this Module that I can make to you with zero hesitation:
One: this Module will cause you to at least modify and improve, maybe dramatically change the way you position yourself to possible clients. You WILL decide on AND MAKE real changes. You will NOT just “consume” this information.
Two: this Module will increase your income – by more clients or better clients or higher fees, even more referrals. It will also give you more ways to be paid. It WILL have a profound, positive financial impact.
Three: this Module will enhance your personal self-image, sense of self, level of confidence, ability to assert yourself and put your ideas across, and you will have a better time of it in this field. I know that “feeling better about yourself” is a bit soft and ethereal and vaporous, and can’t be weighed on a scale or measured in fee dollars. But as a guy who once stuttered almost uncontrollably and drug around a big collection of self-doubt baggage behind him, and who was almost universally under-estimated by others, who did not attend college, who is entirely self-taught at ALL of this, I know how liberating the strengthening of self-image and self-confidence can be. It became such a fascination of mine that student-became-teacher, and I co-authored several different Psycho-Cybernetics* books and audio programs with the late Dr. Maxwell Maltz, including the book The New Psycho-Cybernetics. Recently, I had a new copywriting client reveal that he first began paying attention to me because of that book, not any of my marketing books – and, in fact, gave a copy to all his salespeople as mandatory reading. There’s an odd, little lesson in that. Anyway, this Module will lift your own self-appraisal, confidence and power in influencing clients and others.
*Well over THIRTY-MILLION COPIES of Psycho-Cybernetics books have been sold worldwide since the first publication of the original in 1960. Many contemporary companies and entire professions have their origin roots tied to Psycho-Cybernetics, from Weight-Watchers International to sports psychology. The great copywriter Gary Bencivenga recently told me personally it is one of the most important books he’s ever read and ‘sciences’ he’s ever encountered.
I know what it is like to worry you might be “inadequate” for the task, for this business . to wonder if you can break through to earning a good living at it. I erased all that fairly early and quickly, but I understand why and how it lingers, as, incidentally, did Dr. Maltz from his own experience with starting his own private plastic-surgery practice with ‘The Phone That Refused To Ring.’ This is NOT a “personal growth” Module. It is a very business-like, pragmatic Module with important things to do, not think or meditate on. My friend, the late, great copywriter Gary Halbert had this right when he said “Motion beats meditation.” But I want you to know that a by-product of this positioning is practical personal growth.
Module 5 also gives you Five Keys to Implementation of Consultant+Client Positioning.
In the Consultant+Copywriter Positioning Module, I have some extremely valuable sample material from people who’ve used this Positioning as I’ve shared it with them, to establish themselves as high income copywriters. For example, you’ll see the entire start-up case history from the owners of a retail store in Pennsylvania who, as a 2nd business, made themselves Consultants+Copywriters and did over $100,000.00 in fee business in their first 6 months, part-time. You’ll even see a copy of their very first actual proposal, which brought a 5-fgure fee.
More importantly, I’m going to use their actual experience to teach you a business model for copywriters that most copywriters do not know or understand but that any copywriter can use, to create a competition-free zone for themselves in which to obtain clients, and to create at least a $5,000 to $10,000 monthly income within 4 to 6 months . with the same absolute certainty as placing a glass under a faucet and turning on the faucet produces a drink of water. This alone is worth the entire price of admission because it liberates you from all the difficulties of getting clients. It eliminates fee resistance or negotiation. It has been proven by those I’ve directly coached on this hundreds of times. You will see it laid out as it actually happens.
I also have a sample of one of the most unusual self-marketing tools you will ever see used by a freelancer, along with my instructions for replicating it for your own use.
In addition to these Five Online Modules – each lengthy and loaded with resources – I’m going to send you copies of two of my most relevant books, as gifts when you complete the Five Module Course, with notes about certain pages in them and their direct application to Consultant+Copywriter Positioning.
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