More Clients Every Month is the step-by-step implementation program that shows you how to start – and grow – a wildly profitable online service-based business.
.even if you dont have an idea.
.even if you dont have that much extra time.
And youll see how to do it even if you know NOTHING about online business.
The best part?
You do not need to create a blog or a fancy website.
You do not need to build a big email list.
You do not need to spend months (or years) manufacturing a product.
Over the course of 6 weeks, Ill walk you through everything you need to know about starting – and scaling – a service based business.
More specifically.
In week 1, Ill walk you through how to find an idea for your service-based business. And then Ill walk you through everything you need to do to land your first client.
Its simple. I give you every step you must take to land your first client. I show you what to say, what to offer, how much to charge, and how to persuade them to give you a HECK YES to working with you.
In week 2, Ill show you exactly what you need to do to turn prospects into paying clients.
Most people who get started hate the whole idea of selling themselves. And thats because they approach selling the wrong way.
Instead, Ill walk you through a simple process where you just have a simple conversation with a prospect – over email or phone. This conversation isnt a sales conversation. Its an opportunity to see if you can help your potential client. If you can help, you offer to help. If you cant, you politely let them know that, too.
This module is important for new business owners and experienced business owners because Ill show you how to create what I call a Conversation Map. This Conversation Map is essentially a word-for-word script you can use to conduct prospect conversations. You can use this map yourself. Or you can simply outsource it to a virtual assistant and they can do the work for you.
In week 3, Ill let you focus on implementation. By this point, I believe youll have everything you need to land your first few clients. It will take time and work, of course. But you know that. And thats why Ill provide you with extra training during this week that helps you do it.
In week 4, Ill introduce you to Module 3. This is the module you need when youre ready to start getting more clients. fast.
Ill show you all the different strategies you can use to find more clients in record time. If you want to attract more referrals, Ill show you how to do that. If you want to reach out to people cold, Ill show you how to do that. If you want to network in person to land clients, Ill show you how to do that. If you want to set up a simple 4-page website for client acquisition, Ill show you how to do that, too. Youll get everything you need to start getting more clients today.
In week 5, Ill introduce you to Module 4. This is the scale and automation module. Youll see how you can start scaling your business through the power of automation.
By this point, youll know everything you need to know about client acquisition, but now Ill show you how to automate it. Youll see Facebook Ad strategies. Youll see other tactics for packaging high-value, premium offers. Youll learn how to strategically offer your existing clients more value by adding additional services. And most important: Ill talk about outsourcing, one of the biggest things people need to learn when they scale their service business.
In week 6, Ill wrap the course up by providing you with other advanced tactics and strategies that can help you on your entire service-based business journey.
This course helps you start – and scale – a service-based business from scratch.
Now let me walk you through, in detail,
exactly what to expect inside this training program
Module 1: How to Start Your Service Business Right
Module 2: How to Sell Your Service. When You Know Nothing About Selling
Module 3: How to Organically Attract More Clients Every Month
Module 4: How to Automate and Scale Your Service Business
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