[Audio Course] Lifetime Of Work by Dan Kennedy
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SKU: 5225-776-9564
Categories: Coaches, Dan Kennedy
You Can Only Get This RARE Collection
Of My Lifetime Of Work For A Very Limited Time
You see, I picked these to be good representatives of changes in style and technique across the decades, from 1970 to Present. Included are pieces that were extremely successful, pieces of historical curiosity, and personal favorites.
This collection includes my first B2B full-page trade journal ad I wrote back in 1973all the way to recent promotions I wrote this year.
It also includes my first ads I wrote for Magnetic Marketingmy most successful product to date. I even included the script for the actual speech I used to sell Magnetic Marketing from the stage.
I also included selected pieces from the seminar marketing campaigns I did for one client Rory Fatt and Restaurant Marketing Systems from 2005 to
2006 through 2010.
You ll get a bigger snapshot later on of all 1554 pages of this archive that ll generate TONS of:
Ideas for copy angles and how to position your product or service in your copywriting and marketing. You never want to start with a blank slate when writing copy or devising a marketing campaign for a product. This Archive will save you a TON of time and money trying to figure things out; for yourself.
Ideas for offers youll be able to swipe and deploy for your own promotions. The offer is THE most important element of a promotion;without
a good offer the copy falls flat. Youll see 40+ years of offers that have
converted well for my clients and me. And youll be able to spark tons of
ideas for your own offers for products, services and seminars.
Design ideas for your promotions youll be able to implement for your own
ads. Most of these are print ads and magalogs that will spark ideas for
your own promotions so you dont have to wonder what works and what doesnt.
Headlines, closes, bullets, stories, etc. you can swipe for your own
promotions. This could be a literal marketing godsend for you since youll
be able to flip through all 1556 pages of examples and swipe ideas for
your own.
So when you take action today and that big box containing this Archive lands
on your doorstep:
Do NOTIgnore Campaigns
That Are Not In Your Market
For example, if youre not a seminar marketer, dont ignore Rorys campaigns
or any other campaign youll come across in this Archive. There is much here
to be adaptable and transferable for you own business.
No one engaged in marketing can fail to unearth gems in this massive
collection. Yes, some of these items were not in pristine condition, in my
files and drawers, cardboard cartons, and storage. So their reproductions
are not perfect and some you might need a magnifying glass to examine. But
trust me, your diligence will be rewarded.
Heres what else youll discover in this 1556-page archive that could be a
huge bastion for your business:
A collection of content from presentations, products, speeches and seminars.
Most of these have historical interest and or may have value if modified and
used today. This includes entire sales presentations you can learn from,
swipe ideas and implement for your own presentations.
Product covers and even entire products , including a complete copy of my
63 Killer Marketing Strategies manual. The ideas you can glean from this
collection could make this Archive more than worth investing!
Books and book promotions I used to breathe life into my books, since
publishers are not promoters. A large assortment of the activity I used to
promote my books is here so you can swipe and deploy for your own
Newsletters and other publications that have been the foundation of
virtually my entire career. I dont think there is any single thing as
vital to a person or business success than its own print media. And youll
get an unfair head start over your competitors thanks to this collection.
Photos with me with various celebrities including Joe Theismann, Ronald
Reagan, Paul Harvey and on location at many events. I used these photos to
build up a celebrity aura around my business and myself. Youll also
discover cartoons Ive used for my marketing as well.
Personal items related to my personal life and interests, and correspondence
Ive had throughout my 40 years in information marketing that will be a huge
interest to you
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