[Video Course] Awaken Your Photographic Memory by Greg Frost
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SKU: 5225-776-8404
Categories: Coaches, Video Courses
” Your Brain Maintains Itself By Periodically Filtering And Clearing Out Unnecessary Information. “
Unfortunately, when this happens, occasionally certain valuable information gets lost in the shuffle, and because your brain runs on a “default” setting, it has no means of determining which pieces of information are important enough to retain and which to discard.
This occurs because you’re constantly inundated with an insane amount of information around you (mostly sensory information) in your life that your subconscious tends to filter whatever information it deems as unnecessary and relegates it to the darkest recesses of the mind.
Often never to be seen again, like old photo albums stored away in the closet for years and years and years, and ending up forgotten.
Think about it for a second.
Can you remember the following details within 3 seconds or less?
Where your wallet and keys are right now?
Your best friend’s cell phone number?
Your own cell phone number?
Your postal address?
What you did yesterday?
Your parent’s birthdates and wedding anniversary
Your email account ID and password
The deadlines for all your assignments, projects and appointments
The names of all your relatives, neighbors and friends…
And the names of their children
These are just some of the information that would be stored in your mind as you go about living your daily life.
A tip of the proverbial iceberg, in fact.
As esteemed professor of neurosurgery and neurobiology Charles Greer once said…
” The Average Person Thinks About TWELVE THOUSAND Thoughts Per Day. A Deeper Thinker Puts Forth FIFTY THOUSAND Thoughts Daily. “
Little wonder how things get lost in the shuffle.
A lot of people have the misconception that the brain has a limited capacity and ability to store a lifetime of information, and thus this deterioration of “storage space” is ultimately responsible for their inevitable forgetfulness.
Here’s the truth:
In reality, your brain has UNLIMITED potential and “storage space”.
However, in order to make this a little more relatable, think of it in a more physical perspective.
You can have all the storage space available in the world, but if you neglect to organize whatever you have, you’ll find that retrieving a particular item from tons and tons of disorganized material would be considerably difficult.
A good majority of people are not aware of this fact, or simply don’t care enough to do anything about it.
Chances are, you’re of the same mindset. You might think that it’s a part of life, a part of growing old, and that you’re meant to forget and eventually become senile as you reach your golden years.
Perhaps you think you’re destined to forget your loved ones.
” You Have The Ability In You To Retain A Lifetime Of Memories And Information, And Never Again Forget The Littlest (Or The Most Important) Things In Life. “
You don’t even have to be of certain age for the entire forgetfulness process to begin.
You could be 20 years old, and you could still find yourself snapping your fingers or slapping the side of your head as you try to remember an important detail.
Or have you already kicked yourself for forgetting that all-important birthday or anniversary?
See, the thing is, it isn’t just about forgetting where you had put your car keys last, or whether you had left the iron on when you left the house this morning.
It’s about how good memory can improve your entire quality of life.
Let’s face facts:
” A Person Has Higher Chances To Succeed In Life If They Exhibit Exceptional Traits Because Of How Society Perceives Intelligence And Capability. “
It isn’t merely about having the ability to memorize speeches, facts and figures, names, appointments, and to-do lists off the top of one’s head.
It’s about making an impression with such ability.
People are easily impressed by such things; in fact it is the very foundation of our education system.
The academic achievers, the success stories they end up becoming, they all share a common trait, and that is the ability to recall whatever information they absorb at the snap of a finger.
These are the men and women who scored straight A’s in school and graduated with at least a 3.5 GPA or top honors, and then moved on to excel in their careers as they put their uncanny ability to the best use.
And they do it almost effortlessly.
I’m sure you have a friend, a colleague or two who fit the above description.
Or how about those mega successful tycoons you’ve heard so much about on television, moguls such as Warren Buffet, Donald Trump, and Steve Jobs?
” Have You Ever Wondered Just How Success Seems To Come Naturally To These People? “
A lot of people tend to think, “Oh, they’re just more talented than I am,” or “She’s just really a smart person, there’s no way I can achieve the same things as her.”
Be honest now; you’ve thought along those lines before, haven’t you?
In a moment of perhaps self pity and frustration, you might have thought that successful people were born with superior abilities, and that the reason you haven’t found success in life was because you simply weren’t born for success.
When you start thinking that success can only be attained by someone with “naturally superior” capabilities, capabilities that they were born with, the next thing you’ll find yourself thinking is, “how the heck can I beat that when I’m not born for it?”
Then you lose hope and stop trying altogether.
Here’s what they’ve been keeping from you:
” Everyone Was Born On With Equal Opportunity And Potential To Be As Much Of A Success As Anyone Else, Even The Mega-Successful. “
It isn’t your fault that you haven’t been achieving the success that you’ve craved for all your life.
You’ve been the victim of manipulation by society, by those who wish to hog success for themselves.
They’ve kept the secret formula to their success because… well, let’s face it, who in their right minds would go looking for competition when they stand to benefit from knowledge exclusively theirs?
Call me crazy, but I’m a believer of fair play. I believe in leveling the playing field, because there’s enough success to go around.
Imagine being able to:
Unlock the true potential of your mind to attain that mega memory to achieve unbelievable results in your life and career
Instantly boost your productivity and self confidence
Eliminate all mental and emotional roadblocks that have been crippling your memory capabiltiies
Dramatically increase your mental concentration as you instantly and effortlessly recall any detail that you’ve taken a mental ‘snapshot’ of
Start attracting wealth and success into your life… you can be a ‘high flier’ too!
Ace your grades at school or university, all while cutting your study time drastically
Master new languages effortlessly…
No longer be afraid of giving speeches as you have everything memorized already
Be appreciated by everyone as you remember their birthdays, anniversaries, favorite colors, favorite numbers and a whole list of other personalized information
Attain the leading professionals’ secrets to success
And much, much more…
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