This insider’s program delivers highlights from 41+ years of Dan’s intimate work with hundreds of companies – ranging from built-from-scratch multi-million to billion-dollar businesses. Filled to the brim with advanced direct marketing architecture and strategies, this insider’s program delivers highlights from 41+ years of Dan’s intimate work with hundreds of companies – ranging from built-from-scratch multi-million to billion-dollar businesses. Hold a barrel below this business-growth spigot – Dan covers the principles and specific methods behind expansion, diversification, developing synergies, business maturity, maximizing profits now and building maximum equity value for the future.
Here’s your opportunity to be that “fly on the wall” listening in to what Dan’s discussing with his private, $18K-per-day clients! Hear his take on why and how businesses either grow or wilt, thrive or die. Who dominates a market and who is destined to be faceless in a blur of many.
You Actually Buy – Or Invest In – Four Things By Going Through This Academy System:
– Synthesis: the combination of varied, different and seemingly disconnected elements into a single plan or system. A “connecting of dots”. I routinely co-opt other’s assets to use as my own – without payment or debt, making myself financially invincible.
– Abridgement: a shortening, abbreviating, condensing and summarizing of something without loss of its meaning, usefulness or value. An efficiency. This system may well equal, replace or even be superior to years of assembly of voluminous information from varied sources.
– Experience Beyond Personal Possibility: not only is there my 40 year span of business development, with my own enterprises, and others’, there are “the best of” lessons and strategies extracted from all the many clients’ experiences.
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