[Video Course] Rainmaker Certification by Frank Kern
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SKU: 5225-777-0029
Categories: Coaches, Frank Kern
Use This In Your Own Business Or Be A “Gun For Hire” .But Whatever You Do, USE THIS NOW.
Rainmaker School is a 12 week certification program that teaches you how to CREATE MONEY for businesses .whether you want to do it in your own business or as a “hired gun.”
All of the training is done be me, personally, and you’ll be learning by DEMONSTRATION.
You’re not getting theory.
You’re seeing me CREATE MONEY as you ride along next to me in the “co-pilot’s seat.”
Everything is delivered online and you can access it from anything that’s connected to the Internet.
Plus, it’s up to date. I’m adding and updating the content constantly.
Because unlike many people in our industry .I ACTUALLY *DO* THIS STUFF personally. All day, every day. And I’ve been doing it since 1999.
So you’re getting 22 years of experience and expertise “transferred” from my brain to yours.
We’ll focus on three core areas:
At the beginning is this letter I told you that the overwhelming majority of businesses are leaving money on the table.
This is where we find that money and GET IT.
Whether you’re doing this for your business or you’re doing it for a client, you’re going to have a PROVEN PROCESS to do these things:
1. Find and deploy IMMEDIATE “tweaks” the business so that each customer spends more money. NOW.
You literally get a flowchart+checklist that’s specifically made for every different type of business and sales process on earth .and all you have to do is go through it, find the missing parts, and “plug them in”.
When you do, you’ll see IMMEDIATE RESULTS in the business .typically in the form of getting more cash from each new customer.
(And what business on the planet wouldn’t want that?)
2. Find and GET HIDDEN MONEY that’s been “forgotten” because of shiny object syndrome and distractions.
This ONE THING can make you (or your clients) a small fortune.
When I work with Private Clients, they pay me $40,000 for help. The main thing I do for them is this ONE thing.
See .usually, a business will have done something in the past that worked great .only to abandon it for some shiny new “tactic” or some other such nonsense.
Or they’ll have something that worked .and then they quit doing it because they think it “stopped working” (when in reality, they don’t really know what happened and now they’re all over the place.)
As a RAINMAKER you have the unique ability to “see the forest through the trees” by using a proven TOOL that helps uncover “forgotten moneymakers” and RE-IGNITE THEM for nearly INSTANT results.
After having been at this for 22 years and counting (and working with over 82,000 paying customers) I can tell you one thing with unwavering confidence:
NOBODY is monetizing their audience right.
Literally NOBODY. (And I know this because almost every famous “Internet Entrepreneur” on the planet has me on speed dial.)
Anyway – you’re getting frameworks and templates for outbound marketing campaigns you can deploy to a list or audience NOW .as in TODAY .and start seeing sales.
You know what’s funny?
I literally just hung up the phone with someone who was recently on OPRAH and they were wanting to increase revenue in one of their current promotions.
I pulled up the EXACT CAMPAIGN TEMPLATES you’re getting and I actually DICTATED the promotion to their team over the phone.
You’d have thought I parted the Ocean or something because there were LOSING THEIR MINDS over how much more revenue this will bring in.
As a RAINMAKER, you’re getting my own personal arsenal .all organized perfectly so its easy to use and deploy, FAST.
For any business. Your own or a client’s.
One thing you’ll notice as a RAINMAKER is that most businesses do something that works amazingly well .and then they just STOP doing it.
Usually it’s because they get distracted or bored .or lured away by some shiny object.
I can relate because I’ve been there myself .which is why I know this phase is so incredibly important.
What you’re going to discover is how to make it IMPOSSIBLE TO STOP THE MONEY.
Well – maybe not literally impossible but pretty damn close.
We’ll do this with ads.
Specifically Facebook, YouTube, and Google Display ads.
If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve tried ads before.
Maybe they worked and maybe they didn’t.
Most people struggle with them .or they lose money and give up.
Wanna know why?
Think about it this way.
Ads are like jet fuel.
Like .rocket fuel.
They can launch any business into the stratosphere .FAST.
Your business?
That’s like an engine.
Now listen closely.
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